Sunday, May 08, 2005

Debunking some useless myths about life

Do you sometimes feel as if your life is not your own, as if, in a way, someone or something seems to be forcing you into a tunnel or down a path that doesn't feel right for you? Do you want it to be otherwise?

I know that feeling, I once was lost, but now I'm found...;-)) and I now know that.............. you too can become the architect of your own destiny, opening out to ways to explore and express yourself in all your unique glory...

If the first answer seems more like you but the second is something that delights and excites you even a little...then you might enjoy reading this piece.... because you are ready for the real story about how life works and you how you, too, can step into your own unique adventure...and have the time of your life..

Unless you've spent a few years 'working on yourself' - developing and evolving yourself deliberately - or you've had the kind of mentoring/parenting exemplified by Robin Williams in Dead Poet's Society, then it's highly possible that you are under the influence of some very deadly myths about how life is supposed to be and DEFINITELY IS NOT!

The good news is that there you are capable of producing the perfect antibodies to rid you of and inoculate you against invasion by these unwanted and unproductive myths in the form of thought viruses.

And even better, there are a whole host of NEW stories that you can create as guidelines to living your life in a way that's right for you.

Awareness is the first step towards having the life that's right for you. Once you begin to be honest with yourself and accept yourself as you are right now, and recognise the stories that have misguided you for so long, you can begin to shift the unwanted rubble of years of programming by well meaning people and rise like a phoenix from the ashes of what was...

In other words, for the less poetic, once you learn how life really works.. you can begin to generate the life that's a perfect match and fit for you. It's not anyone else's life, it's yours. Here are the simple steps that will help you take what is yours already

Step 1 -Become very aware of your vital role in the universe.

The first step is to be aware of yourself, not just as a lone person struggling against the world, but as part of the world. You are connected to the world beyond yourself in many ways. You interact.

You have family or lovers or friends or colleagues. You eat food that is grown in another country.

The computer you work on is connected potentially to everyone in the entire world who has a computer. Think about that for a moment.

You live in a place that is in a county or state or region that is in a country that is part of a continent that is part of the world.

You are a vital ingredient in the universal quantum soup. Your presence makes it taste and smell and look exactly the way it does at this moment.

You are part of it. You have a unique place in it.. but you may not fully believe that YET.. you will, I promise you. And as you evolve, so the tone of the soup evolves and improves... But for now let's take stock

Step 2 - Stock-take where you are now.

Do any of the following statements resonate or seem familiar to you..

Do you ever say to yourself 'Is this all there is' about your relationships, career or life in general
Do you ever say to yourself 'there must be more...?’
Do you ever say to yourself 'How can I make my mark in the world' or I know I have a purpose but I don't know what it is.. Yes? Great. Congratulations. You're waking up!

You are in the pre-adventure stage. You are hearing 'the call to the adventure of your life'. You are standing at the edge of the rest of your wondrous life...

Now you are ready to make preparations to embark on your adventure..

Step 3 - Become aware of your raw unique potential.

You may have had little tastes of what it's like to be utterly yourself, on top of the world, on form and at your best. You've seen glimmers of this in the past, and there have been times when you've just felt so harmoniously in tune with it all that life seems perfect. And then it has eluded you and you go back to how you think it's really meant to be. But that story is bullshit.

How it is really meant to be is how it is when you've had those glimmers and tastes of yourself at your best, when you've smelt success if only for a moment and when you felt in harmony with the world.

And you can have access to this way of 'being' all the time. When a person has an experience of their raw potential they sometimes liken it to 'being in the zone' or 'at their best' or 'unstoppable' or 'knowing anything is possible'. Sometimes they simply say 'this is me.. being me'. And it feels RIGHT.

When you learn how to access and harness that raw unique potential and be able to step into 'this is me' or 'being in the zone' at will, anything is possible for you.

Step 4 - Inventory the 'stories' that have misguided you, until NOW.

Anything is possible for you and yet, something has been limiting you from achieving your potential.

The good news, yet again, is that it's nothing to do with you, it's just the tripe you've been fed. And now it’s time to recognise and debunk some of the cr*p that has been offered to you as guidelines for living. These rules are outdated and no longer serve you.

  • Get a secure job, get promoted, and you're set for life
  • It's a 'dog eat dog' world so you'd be wise to eat rather than be eaten
  • Acquire as many material goods as you can.. house, car, jewellery and life will work
  • You have to adapt to what the world wants you to be
  • The past determines the future...
Most of these ideas come from the past and to use them as guidelines is to keep yourself from moving towards the future that is waiting for you. Life has evolved rapidly; things are moving at such a fast pace that we must evolve the way we do things in order to survive and thrive. What worked yesterday doesn't work today. It's time for a new approach.

So, if you have, until now, been living with some of these ideas and values, maybe it's time to think about what new values might work well for you...and help you become who you are meant to be and be wonderful, amazing, brilliant and make your mark in the world...

Step 5 - Create new stories that work for you

1. Become familiar with Joseph Campbell's Hero's journey.

2. Watch films like Star Wars and the Matrix and GI Jane and Dead Poet's Society notice how the hero goes on a journey and through rites of passage, monsters, trials and out the other side

3. Develop a vision that is so big picture that you can't see details. But make the vision a sense of yourself out in the world. Forget how to achieve it, just focus on it for now

4. Look for exceptions to the rule, the disabled person who's sailing around the world, the man who broke the world record, people who became a success by following their dreams despite the 'can't do that' stories they heard. Look for those people and read stories about them.

5. When things happen instead of saying 'life's a bitch' say to yourself 'life's a beach.. onto which all kinds of wonderful treasure washes up.6. Eliminate the word 'failure' from your vocabulary. Instead of saying 'that was an unmitigated disaster' say 'that was a powerful learning'. How I can help you ?

Our next 'Pulling Power ' course is in London on July 15th and 16th Click here to find out how quoting 'Peta's Blog' can get you a place not just at the earlybird booking but with an extra £30 discount. PLUS Access to a gratis teleseminar follow up two months later.

Private Client Work I work privately with clients in a series of face to face personal empowerment sessions. Follow this link to MythoSelf (r) Personal Mentoring Empowerment sessions
Weekend seminars. I run weekend seminars designed to help you discover where you are and to help you make the leap or continue on your journey in a more appropriate and perfect way for you Follow this link to
Weekend Pulling Power Seminars
Books. I have written four books in the 'Flirt Coach' series. Published by Harper Collins/Element and available from this
link to Amazon in the UK
Corporate seminars and Keynote tailor made to your organisation

With deep-felt respect and thanks to my mentor Dr Joseph Riggio. Dr Riggio, architect of the MythoSelf (r) process has been my greatest teacher and his work is the foundation on which I build my seminars and books. He in turn developed his work from The Generative Imprint tm work of his mentor Roye Fraser. And thanks too to Dr Richard Bandler co-creator of NLP. He was my first really great teacher. I use NLP and the MythoSelf (r) process to help my clients become empowerd.

I'll see you next time...